Other Echoes | Elizabeth Russell
Thursday, April 21st - Sunday, May 22nd

Interface Gallery is pleased to present Other Echoes, a solo exhibition of recent work by Elizabeth Russell.

Russell’s work is deeply engaged with concerns of painting, materiality, and craft. She employs a variety of media, highlighting relationships between gestures, marks, and materials in subtle ways that invite poetic associations.

Works in this exhibition are made with paint, paper, wood, vellum, and muslin. They consist of simple gestures such as folding, twisting, creasing, and knotting and contain evocative juxtapositions of surface, texture, and color.

Russell gives careful consideration to how the works are installed in the space and how they communicate with one another, revealing her interest in the way certain elements and ideas surface in varied ways in different contexts or in different pieces.

Other echoes, other directions, other possibilities.


Elizabeth Russell just received her MFA from California College of the Arts.